Instructions about Preparation of Manuscripts

"Journal of BAS" publishes in Bulgarian overviews of current scientific problems, original scientific results and contributions to applied sciences, book reviews, discussions, regional events, jubilee celebrations and other events in the life of BAS and its units.

Guidelines for preparation of manuscripts:

  1. The manuscript for the "Scientific title" must be structured in the following way:
  • Title in Bulgarian and in English, without abbreviations;
  • Authors' first and family name in Bulgarian and in English;
  • Abstract about 30 - 40 lines and up to 5 keywords in Bulgarian and in English;
  • Exposure: illustrations, tests performed - methods, results, analysis and conclusion;
  1. Illustrations, tables and the captions to them are presented in separate files in TIFF or JPG format with minimum resolution 300 dpi. Tables, figures or pictures are included at locations chosen by the author.
  2. Equations and formulas must be on a separate line. Their serial numbers are placed in parentheses on the left at the beginning of the row.
  3. The International System of Units (SI) should be used.
  4. The list of cited publications is at the end of the article under the title
  5. LITERATURA. The referenced literature is indicated in the text in square brackets [1]. References should be arranged according to their order of appearance in the text. The family name precedes the initials of the first name of the first author, followed by the names of the other authors. The titles in Cyrillic alphabet are given transcribed in Latin (according to the the Transliteration Law passed in March 2009).
    For example:


Бъргър П., T. Лукман, Социално конструиране на реалността, София, ИК "Критика и хуманизъм" 1996.
[Bargar P., T. Lukman , Sotsialno konstruirane na realnostta, Sofia, IK "Kritika I humanizam". 1996].

Journal article:

Tzavaras A., H. Brody, Electromagnetic stirring and continuous casting: achievements, problems and goals, J. Metals, 36, 1984, N3, p. 31 - 37.

  1. Information on the authors in Bulgarian and English language including the scientific degree, position, employment, mailing address and e-mail.
  2. The text together with abstract, tables, graphs and literature must not exceed 12 standard pages (1800 characters per page).
  3. Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers. Their names are not revealed to the authors.
  4. Authors are offered galley proofs within a given timeframe and are responsible for substantial errors in the text and illustrations.
  5. Manuscripts not accepted for publication shall not be returned to the author.

All manuscripts must be presented in printout in one copy and in electronic form - file in .doc, .txt, .rtf format and illustrative materials (figures, tables, photos, etc.) - files in .jpg or .tiff format, and not embedded in the text.


Send Manuscript

All manuscripts proposed for printing in Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences must be submitted to the Editor's Office Address.

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Journal of BAS

ISSN 0007-3989 (print)
ISSN 2683-0302 (on line)

150 Years
"Journal of the BAS"